Fishing Frisky Smallmouths in the Elkhorn

Saturday, June 13th, 2015 - 11:30am

With their spawning cycle in full swing Elkhorn Creek smallmouths are in a feeding frenzy just waiting for you to hook up. The stream has been giving up some nice 10 to 16 inch fish and a 1.5 mile stretch with gravel bottom and water no more than thigh high makes for easy wading and a fun day. Good wading boots or sandals and you are set to either wet wade in this cool water or you can slip on those waders to stay dry. Between catches of smallmouths there are some 6 to 8 inch rock bass (red eyes) and pan fish more than anxious to take your lure.


For the fly angler small white and yellow poppers with rubber legs cast near dead falls, rocky banks and tree roots will bring the slurp of the smallmouth or the vicious strike of the red eye or pan fish. Clouser minnows and Woolly Buggers stripped through the deeper pools will entice the bigger fish. Small rooster tails and crayfish patterns will work just fine for the spin fishermen.


Just north of the town of Midway US 62 intersects US 421. Take US 421 west and after passing under I-64 drive 1.4 miles and as you drop down a slight incline look for the road sign Fishers Mill Rd. Turn right on this, drive 0.5 miles and just after crossing the creek's bridge turn left into the first driveway you see. This farmer is very angler friendly; drive up his driveway and as you approach his house on your right turn down into the hay field and park. We can walk down through the field and enter the creek from numerous spots. Meet up near the cars at 7:30 am and look forward to a good morning of fishing.


Drive time from Lexington, depending on where you come from, is about 30 minutes and the distance about 20 to 25 miles.


Host: Tom Schrodt