
About me: 
Lifelong Alaskan, been throwing a fly line since I was a wee lad in the 1970s. Primarily a drift/raft fisher with focus on the Gulkana, Chulitna, Little Su and Willow. Very familoar with the Y-K Delta and currently seeking an opportunity to be a guide in Western Alaska upon successful completion of my USCG OUPV License and attendance at Sweetwater Guide School in Montana in September 2017. I love being behind the oars and find real pleasure watching others make their Alaska Fishing dreams come true. I love to tie and enjoy trading information, I am a member of Project Healing Waters Alaska (Wasilla) and am blessed with the great experience this group offers.
Favorite quote: 
If this doesn't catch something...we'll always think that it should have.
Other Interests: 
High School Football Coaching go Big Red
Group membership: 
Alaska - 9AK