Elizabeth Mackey

Elizabeth Mackey

Elizabeth Mackey
Job title: 
North Coast Coho Project Manager
About me: 
I am the Project Manager for TU’s North Coast Coho Project in Fort Bragg, CA. I assist the NCCP Project Director in developing and implementing a wide array of stream habitat restoration projects throughout the North Coast region of California to benefit salmon and steelhead. I was born and raised in Madison, WI where I also received my B.S. in Zoology and Biological Aspects of Conservation from University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers). I also hold a Graduate Certificate in Fisheries Management from Oregon State University. I journeyed to the Pacific Northwest in 2010, where I quickly fell in love with Pacific salmon and trout conservation and the lush and rugged landscapes across the region that support them. In my spare time, I can be found hiking, camping, gardening, and generally enjoying my time spent with friends and family.
Group membership: 
Virginia - 9VA
Redwood Empire - 922